Exhibition Details

Plausible Marks of a Plebelan


27-April-2019 to 15-June-2019

Relief sculptures carved from wood constitute my latest practice. It is about understanding and experiencing the very logic of nature in terms of human existence. It re-looks at the history of mankind in terms of toil and produce. My attempt is to revisit obvious and identifiable forms from nature with an intense curiosity to create a space for reflective and speculative dialogue with viewers. As a process it is an initiation of an isolation of the physical and biological system that hint at some kind of mythicization and a sense of false utopia resulting in a distancing of nature against direct observation in its actual form. It is also a response to trivial errors like misrepresentation of motifs of vegetation in the form of incorrect diagram. Therefore, I believe in creating a repertoire of plants which are common to our surroundings in the form of three dimensional forms that could induce a proper understanding of shape, size and tactility. The exposed surface of wood, the material, here could be seen as a metaphor of the idea of a gradual change of vignettes of life towards decay. My attempt here is to pay a tribute to the practice of depictions of vegetations in ancient times, directed towards mythological and spiritual purposes in presenting a keen sense of observation and reporting. Although the whole series would represent a dispassionate observation in reporting facts, a selection of a definite fragment might induce an element of aesthetic fulfillment. Here an artistic ability / expression as an entity is not being consciously dealt with, since the mode of production and processes involved in it are intrinsic to the artistic and aesthetic sensibility.

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